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3/14 San Diego Polymer Clay Workshop at Drift Cafe!

Embracing Change

Embracing Change

I recently read Brene Brown’s book, The Gifts of Imperfection. While many aspects of the book hit home, one of the most applicable quotes to me made me rewind 10 seconds over and over.

“Yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable and sometimes afraid, but that doesn’t change the truth that I am also brave and worthy of love and belonging”

Right now, I’m in the midst of change. I’m currently going through a few big life changes as well as smaller ones. I describe some of the changes as exciting new adventures and others as growing pains, necessary to ride out to grow into the person I want to be.

I don’t believe we ever become fully formed into the person we hope to be but the journey and continuous strive brings us closer to becoming this person. It takes effort, reflection, and hard work to make changes to parts of life that have been “comfortable” for so long.

I’ll start with an exciting new adventure. 

I’m getting married!

Saying yes to my best friend was the easiest decision to make. This new adventure feels right. We are open, vulnerable with each other, extremely communicative and we have so much fun together every day. We show each other love through action, words, and patience. We have agreed to enjoy every part of the planning process and take it slow.

Another change is my job. 

Although teaching has been a huge part of my life, I have grown to realize that a different lifestyle will help me focus on a healthy work life balance. Educator will always be part of my identity but my identity has so many parts, which I’m looking forward to exploring more. After 5 months, I have found the perfect next job, working at a literacy ed tech company I wholeheartedly support. Along with the exciting parts, I will learn to adapt to a work from home model, figure out a new routine, familiarize myself with new aspects of the job, and try my best despite the chance of imposter syndrome sneaking in.

Also, we are figuring out housing.

With the job change to remote, comes the question of if we will stay in our apartment in Brooklyn, change apartments, or move out of state. We have a few months to decide and weigh our options. I am embracing this potential change by staying present and enjoying where the day takes me. Also, we are having conversations about places we could live and we recognize that to make these decisions, we need more information. I need to begin the new job to understand the requirements of location more as well as see if our rent rises and by how much.

If we do decide to move, we are realizing there are some things that are very important to us both. Nature, warmth, and space are a few items we have experienced through travel. It’s okay to be uncertain. It can be uncomfortable but for now, one day at a time.

This brings me back to Brene Brown’s quote:

“Yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable and sometimes afraid, but that doesn’t change the truth that I am also brave and worthy of love and belonging”

With change comes bravery, no matter how big the change is. Overcoming or embracing change, or even accepting that there is a change can show courage. With change too, increases the importance of love and belonging. These parts of life are always important but getting out of a comfort zone to do something that feels right to you can feel isolating. 

Maybe you are deciding you want to join a new club, instead of continuing one with people you have known for a long time because you want to learn a new skill and that is important to you. Maybe you are moving to a place you don’t have a community in and need to put yourself out there. Maybe you are looking for a job and leaving friendly coworkers.

Many choices that come from a gut-feeling are the right choice but leaving people close to you or going against the grain is scary, and isolating. No matter where you are or what you are doing, you are worthy of love and belonging. 

We are all imperfect. We are vulnerable. We are afraid. We are also strong. And brave. And courageous. And worthy of love and belonging.

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